How to Connect PS4 Controller to Phone: A Comprehensive Guide

“How to connect PS4 controller to Phone” has become a common query among mobile gamers seeking a more immersive gaming experience. Mobile gaming has soared in popularity, offering convenience and entertainment on the go. However, touchscreen controls can sometimes fall short, especially for avid gamers accustomed to the precision of console controllers. Fortunately, connecting a PlayStation 4 (PS4) controller to your phone can bridge this gap, providing a familiar and responsive gaming experience.

In this guide, we’ll explore the process of connecting a PS4 controller to your phone, whether you’re using an Android device or an iOS-powered iPhone or iPad. From compatibility considerations to troubleshooting tips, we’ll cover everything you need to know to seamlessly integrate your controller with your mobile gaming setup. Let’s dive in and discover how to connect PS4 controller to phone effortlessly.

Before connecting your PS4 controller to your phone, it’s crucial to consider compatibility. Not all phones support external controllers, so ensure your device meets the requirements.

For Android users, most devices support external controllers, simplifying the process. However, it’s wise to check compatibility with your specific device.

iOS users may face more limitations due to app optimization. While iOS supports external controllers, not all games may be compatible. Researching controller-supported games beforehand is advised.

By understanding the compatibility requirements for connecting a PS4 controller to your phone, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free setup process. Now that you understand compatibility, it’s time to prepare your phone and PS4 controller for connection. This step-by-step process ensures a seamless gaming experience once the devices are paired, so stay tuned to learn how to connect PS4 controller to phone effortlessly.

Preparing Your Phone and Controller:

To ensure a smooth connection between your phone and PS4 controller, follow these steps:

  • Enable Bluetooth on your phone.

  • Put your PS4 controller into pairing mode by pressing and holding the “PlayStation” button and the “Share” button simultaneously until the light bar on the controller starts flashing.

  • With both Bluetooth enabled on your phone and the PS4 controller in pairing mode, you’re ready to establish a connection between the two devices.

In the next section, we’ll guide you through the process of pairing the controller with your phone, whether you’re using an Android device or an iOS-powered iPhone or iPad. Stay tuned to learn how to connect PS4 controller to phone effortlessly.

How to Connect PS4 Controller to Phone

picture taken from a youtube video on the same topic. check it out for visual explanation

How to connect PS4 controller to phone?

Connecting your PS4 controller to an Android device is a straightforward process, thanks to the broad support for external controllers on the platform. Once your phone and controller are prepared, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Bluetooth settings on your phone.
  2. Scan for nearby Bluetooth devices and select “Wireless Controller” or a similar option.
  3. If prompted, enter the pairing code “0000” or “1234” to complete the connection.
  4. Wait for the pairing process to finish, indicated by the light bar on the controller stopping flashing.

Once connected, your PS4 controller is ready to use with compatible games and apps on your Android device. In the next section, we’ll explore the process of connecting a PS4 controller to iOS devices. Stay tuned to learn how to connect PS4 controller to phone easily.

How to connect PS4 controller to iphone?

Connecting a PS4 controller to an iOS device, such as an iPhone or iPad, requires a few additional steps compared to Android devices. Follow these instructions for a seamless connection:

  1. Navigate to the Bluetooth settings on your iOS device.
  2. Enable Bluetooth and wait for nearby devices to appear.
  3. Locate the “Wireless Controller” option and select it to initiate pairing.
  4. If prompted, enter the pairing code “0000” or “1234” to finalize the connection.
  5. Wait for the pairing process to complete, indicated by the controller’s light bar ceasing to flash.

Once connected, your PS4 controller is ready to enhance your gaming experience on your iOS device. In the next section, we’ll discuss testing the connection and troubleshooting common issues. Stay tuned to master how to connect PS4 controller to phone.

Testing the Connection:

Now that you’ve successfully connected your PS4 controller to your phone, it’s time to ensure everything is working as expected. Follow these steps to test the connection and troubleshoot any issues:

  1. Open a game or app on your phone that supports controller input. Look for the controller icon or check the app’s settings to enable controller support.
  2. Once in-game, test the functionality of the PS4 controller. Verify that button inputs are responsive and accurate and that you can navigate menus and control gameplay seamlessly.
  3. If you encounter any issues, such as input lag or button mapping problems, try restarting both your phone and the PS4 controller. You can also double-check the connection settings on your phone to ensure everything is properly configured.
  4. If problems persist, consult the user manual for your phone and the PS4 controller, or search online forums for troubleshooting tips specific to your device.
  5. Once you’re satisfied with the connection and controller performance, you’re ready to enjoy a more immersive gaming experience on your phone, thanks to your connected PS4 controller.

By testing the connection and addressing any issues promptly, you can ensure a smooth gaming experience with your PS4 controller on your phone. Now that you’ve mastered how to connect PS4 controller to phone, it’s time to dive into your favourite games and enjoy enhanced gameplay.


In conclusion, knowing how to connect PS4 controller to phone opens up a world of gaming possibilities, combining the convenience of mobile gaming with the precision and familiarity of console-grade controls. Whether you’re playing on an Android device or an iOS-powered iPhone or iPad, the process of connecting your PS4 controller is relatively straightforward, allowing you to enjoy a more immersive gaming experience on your phone.

By understanding compatibility requirements, preparing your phone and controller, and following the steps outlined in this guide, you can seamlessly integrate your PS4 controller with your mobile gaming setup. Whether you’re navigating the streets of Liberty City in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas or battling enemies in Fortnite, having a connected PS4 controller enhances gameplay and elevates your overall gaming experience.

So, if you’re ready to take your mobile gaming to the next level, follow the steps outlined in this guide on how to connect PS4 controller to phone. With the right setup and a bit of troubleshooting if needed, you’ll soon be enjoying smoother controls and more immersive gameplay on your favorite mobile games. Happy gaming!

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